Saturday, 13 August 2016

Kiama Coast Walk

Kiama Coast Walk

The coastal walk from Kiama to Werri Beach near Gerringong is a spectacular walk, but go prepared, water and food and good walking shoes.

And keep an eye out for whales!!

The walk in places can be a little difficult but the beauty and serenity of is worth it.

And take heed of the warning signs!

The walk is a constant up and down but the views are superb.

And don't forget to look back!
There are also surprises, lizards and the occasional snake.  But they don't do "selfies"!

As you go past each inlet, you can at some get down to the water's edge.

 You will see wildlife!!  In this case humans!!!  It looks like a great area for snorkelling.

Every now and then you will come close to the cliff edge, as the signs state be careful as the drop is very high in places.

The walk is in the Wodi-Wodi and Dharawal land.

There are so many spots to just sit and pause and take it all in.

And don't forget to turn around and look at the land behind you, some pretty fantastic homes to see.

Heaps of spots to have a break, and enjoy that packed lunch.
The majority of the inlets are very much rocky (no sand) but still very good to get down to the water's edge.
In some parts the natural growth keeps you safe from the cliff edge.
In other areas you will find yourself right on teh edge.
You will se a number of people fishing along the way.  In some of the places they've obviously had a bit of a climb to get down to their favourite spot.

As you walk you will see the track ahead of you, and you will meet up with fellow walkers heading in both directions.
On all stages of the walk there are amazing rock formations, and I am sure there are many more.
The colours, green and blue, along with the natural colours of the rocky outcrops will amaze you.
And the views further south will encourage you to keep going.

And this is where you end up (if you've walked south) on Werri Beach at Gerringong.

Below is a link to the VisitNsw website and their page on the Kiama Coast Walk.

Date: 13 August, 2016

Attendees: Just Kevin!

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